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Welcome! I'm Misha Rubin.

As a "What's Next" coach, I've partnered with hundreds of CEOs, executives, and professionals to:

  • Reinvent their careers
  • Navigate significant transitions
  • Launch and grow their businesses
  • Thrive in both their professional and personal lives

I developed the Leap by Design framework, a set of tools I use in my own life and with my clients. It focuses on:

↳ Exploring what's possible in your career and life
↳ Identifying what you truly want based on your unique criteria
↳ Pursuing it with confidence and clarity
↳ Establishing a foundation for a leap-by-design life

Now let's see what I can do for you...

 As seen on 
3 ways I can help....
Career Clarity Quiz
Take 2-minutes to answer important questions and get more clear about your next step, whether it's in your current company or outside.
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I currently work with Executives, CEOs and Visionaries on creating what's next for them and bringing their ideas into reality.
Featured Interview with Misha Rubin
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